“I am also impressed with the innovations your team has worked with Monsanto (now Bayer) to create, allowing us flexibility and efficiencies as we continue to cutover I/O with zero additional downtime outside of other maintenance activities”
– Monsanto’s Process Control Technical Lead, Ellis Sampson
About the Project
ISC Constructors partnered with the Monsanto Company to execute a full-site DCS Migration Project at its Luling, Louisiana, facility in 2013. Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. The project upgraded the facility’s 60-year-old DCS that was no longer supported by the original manufacturer, putting the facility at risk of a total shutdown. ISC participated in a phased approach project that, at final completion, converted the entire SCS over from the outdated Fisher Controls PROVoX system to a new state-of-the-art Emerson DeltaV™ CHARMs System. ISC executed this project across nine operating units with minimal detailed engineering and design work. This required trusted and clear communication, and Monsanto trusted ISC’s talented construction group to utilize its experience and innovative ideas to field design an efficient, cost effective and reliable installation. Maintaining continuous feedback through all layers of craft throughout the field resulted in a marked increase in quality installation, which was proven in completing all five years with no unit trips, upsets, unplanned outages and zero recordable accidents or incidents.
Completed in 2018
Work Hours
Month Duration
OSHA Recordables